Privacy Statement

Welcome to Trip eBooking! This Privacy Statement sets out the approach that we take with regards to the collection and handling of personal data concerning individuals, employees, owners, or representatives acting on behalf of our business partners (together or separately referred to as “you”).

We understand that providing personal data online involves a great deal of trust on your part. We take this trust very seriously and make it a high priority to ensure the security and confidentiality of the personal data you provide us when you visit our website or use our products and services. Before providing us with your personal data, please read this Privacy Statement carefully to learn about our privacy practices, and confirm that you fully understand and agree to this Privacy Statement. If you or your guardian (in case you are a minor) do not agree to any part of this Privacy Statement, please do not use Trip eBooking products/services. If you have any questions, opinions, or suggestions about this Privacy Statement, please contact us through the contact information provided in this Privacy Statement.

About This Privacy Statement and Trip eBooking

When Does This Privacy Statement Apply?

This Privacy Statement applies to information about you as an identifiable person that Trip eBooking collects from, or about you. This Privacy Statement does not apply to anonymous data that cannot identify you in any way.

This Privacy Statement applies to all Trip eBooking products/services without an independent privacy policy. For the Trip eBooking products/services with an independent privacy policy, the independent privacy policy shall prevail. If the independent privacy policy does not mention the content stipulated in this Privacy Statement, this Privacy Statement shall apply.

This website may contain links to third-party websites. Trip eBooking is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these third-party websites. We recommend that you carefully read the privacy statements of such sites.

Data Controller

The data controller of any and all information provided to or gathered by Trip eBooking is Travel Singapore Pte. Ltd., a limited liability company with its address at 30 Raffles Place, #29-01 Singapore (048622).

Terms We Use in This Privacy Statement

  1. “Trip eBooking” refers to the webpage (including App and H5 page) with and as the main domain names, and the terminal equipment applicable to you may include but is not limited to PCs, tablets and cell phones.

  2. “We” refers to Group Limited including Travel Singapore Pte. Ltd., the operator of Trip eBooking (with its registered address at 30 Raffles Place, #29-01 Singapore (048622)) and their Affiliated Companies.

  3. “Affiliated Companies” refer to all companies under Group Limited and its subsidiaries and affiliates.

About Your Personal Data and Uses

What Personal Data Does Trip eBooking Hold on Me and Others?

The personal data Trip eBooking collects about you depends on the context of the business relationship and their interaction with Trip eBooking, the choices made by the Business Partner and the products, services, and features they use.

Please note that the data items in the sections below are only considered “personal data” when concerning a natural person. These data items are not considered “personal data” when concerning a legal person or entity.

The personal data Trip eBooking collects about you may include the following:

1. Personal Data You Provide Us Directly

Trip eBooking collects and uses the personal data you provide to us directly in order to provide you with the services you request.

2. Personal Data We Collect Automatically

Trip eBooking collects some personal data about you automatically. Specifically:

More information on how we use cookies can be found in our Cookie Statement below.

3. Personal data you give to us about others

By sharing other individuals’ personal data for business purposes—such as data belonging to your staff members—you confirm that these individuals have been informed about the use of their personal data by Trip eBooking in accordance with this Privacy Statement. You also confirm that you have obtained all necessary consent, as required by the laws and regulations applicable to you.

4. Personal Data We Receive Through Other Sources

We will also obtain your personal data from affiliates and business partners.

Additionally, we may integrate calling services into our platforms to enable you to connect with us, and when we do, we receive metadata about the call activities (such as where you called from, who you are, and the date and length of the call).

How Does Trip eBooking Use My Personal Data?

Trip eBooking will generally collect and use your personal data for the following purposes:

1. Account Registration and Management

a. Account Registration

To use Trip eBooking products/services, you need to provide your user name, phone number or email address (for receiving the verification code) and a password to create an account. If you refuse to provide your phone number or email address, you will not be able to create an account or use Trip eBooking products/services. You understand and agree that all your actions on Trip eBooking after logging in with your account are on your own behalf and that the electronic records of your actions on Trip eBooking are valid evidence for which you are solely responsible.

b. Data Maintenance and Account Management

In the Trip eBooking account management module, you can choose to add your account name, department and landline. If you choose not to provide, it will not affect your ability to use the basic functions of Trip eBooking, and you will still be able to perform order management.

2. Entering into Business Cooperation with You, Providing Hotel Information and Order Management Functions

In order to facilitate business cooperation with you and provide you with services, we will collect your contact information (name, phone number, e-mail address), legal representative information (name, phone number, ID number), bank account or other payment tool account information that you provide to identity verification, completion of transactions, after-sales and customer service, and provision of security.

In order to ensure the normal online operation and sale of the hotel, you need to provide basic information about the hotel, room type information, pictures and videos, hotel labels, graphics, hotel policies, room facilities and hotel qualification information.

In order to ensure the fulfilment of the search and browsing functions, we will collect the search keywords you enter on the webpage or app, and the pages or links you click on, to return the corresponding pages or results to you on Trip eBooking. We will also collect your log information.

3. Information Posting Function

You can respond to order reviews and guest Q&A via Trip eBooking. We will collect your IP address and the information you post and display, including comments uploaded or shared by order reviews, date, time, location and geographic location information.

Please note that the information you upload or share may result in the disclosure of your or others’ personal data or even sensitive personal data, so please consider carefully whether to upload and share relevant information when using our services. If the information you publicly release involves minor’s personal data, you need to obtain the authorized consent of the guardian of the minor before releasing the information. In such cases, the guardian has the right to contact us through the contact information published in this Privacy Statement to request the correction or deletion of the content involving the minor’s personal data.

4. Safety and Security Features

In order to improve the security of your use of Trip eBooking, to identify and prevent attacks more accurately and to protect the security of your account, we will, when you use Trip eBooking, automatically collect device information or software information, including your IP address, the type of device, the device mode/version, the device identification code (including IDFA/IDFV/UIDEVICENAME/MODEL/OAID/Android ID/OPENUDID/GUID/MEID/IMEI), SIM card information, device application installation/running processes and running tasks, the device’s MAC address, information about the wireless network to which the device is connected (including name/MAC/list/status/SSID/BSSID/ESN/IMSI/WIFI scanning results), the type of network, and configuration information for accessing our services via web browsers and mobile devices. In order to purchase of pyramid promotion tools, our third-party SDK-chromium, Alipay may have access to the wireless network information (SSID/WIFI status), sensor list information, rotation vector sensors (Game rotation vector), but we do not collect the aforementioned information.

5. Customer Service, Customer Right Protection and After-sales Service

When you contact our customer service, you need to provide the necessary personal data or order information to verify the identity. Meanwhile, in order to ensure the quality of service, protect the rights and interests of users, prevent fraud, resolve disputes, determine the responsibility and check the accuracy of the information you provide in the process of customer service, the call between you and our customer service will be recorded, and the information you provide during the chat with our online customer service (including account information, order information, contact information, and other information provided to prove the relevant facts) will also be collected.

In order to protect the security of all parties, resolve disputes and determine liability, please be aware that your calls may be recorded when you receive or make a call using the number protection service. The number protection service is usually activated when you use the virtual number function to contact the customer, or when the customer contacts you through the VoIP/virtual number function on our page. In the event of a service dispute between a consumer and you, we may retrieve and use the recorded information as a reference for resolving the dispute; in addition, to prevent risks and protect the safety of all parties, we may technically analyze the recorded information. We will effectively protect the privacy and security of both parties to the communication, except for access by the authorized authorities in accordance with the legal procedures, or a party to be recorded with the legal documents issued by the judicial authorities in accordance with applicable law. The Parties are unable to download and access the recordings by themselves.

6. Provision of Service Information and Commercial Information

In order to improve our services, to provide you with convenient transaction services, to help you understand our services, and to enhance the service experience, we may forward service information, commercial information, and research questionnaires to you through the contact information you provided via text messages, phone calls, emails, and notifications. If you choose not to accept the commercial information services provided by us, you can contact our customer service to unsubscribe or express your refusal clearly in the call-back.

7. Additional Services for You to Invoke Permissions

In order to provide you with services and enhance your experience, you may use our functions based on your self-authorized permissions related to the operating system of your mobile device. If you do not turn on these permissions or do not provide the personal data collected by these permissions, you may still be able to complete the order and inventory management on Trip eBooking. Please note that these permissions may vary depending on the operating system of your mobile device.

Please note that by turning on any of these permissions, you authorize us to collect and use the personal data to provide you with the corresponding services, and by turning off any of these permissions, you revoke your authorization, and we will no longer collect and use personal data based on the corresponding permissions, and we will not be able to provide you with the corresponding services based on these permissions. However, your decision to turn off your authorization will not affect the collection and use of information previously collected based on your authorization.

a. Android system application permission list

Permission Name: Location

Permission Function Description: Locate your device via network or satellite

Scenario or Purpose: Under instant messenger communication scenario, to share the hotel geographic location information, display the hotel geographic location

Permission Name: Storage

Permission Function Description: Read and write the device memory and SD card

Scenario or Purpose: Changing user photo, sending messages (including pictures, videos, files), saving pictures or files locally, clearing cache to reduce disk space and improve operation speed, downloading installation packages, etc., in the contract management, instant messaging tool, information maintenance module

Permission Name: Calling

Permission Function Description: Make a phone call

Scenario or Purpose: Used to make a call directly from within the APP

Permission name: Read cell phone status

Permission Function Description: Get IMEI, IMSI, SIM card information, network type and local number

Scenario or Purpose: For forwarding information and order reminder

Permission: Read application list

Permission Function Description: Read the list of installed applications in the cell phone

Scenario or Purpose: Used for secure transactions, etc.

Permission Name: Camera

Permission Function: Taking photos and recording videos

Scenario or Purpose: Video recording, photo taking, travel photography (community), QR code scanning

Permission Name: Microphone

Permission Function: Recording audio

Scenario or purpose: Transferring voice to text in instant messaging tools

Permission Name: Clipboard

Permission description: Read special characters in the clipboard

Scenario or Purpose: Read the contents of the clipboard when sending a message to Trip eBooking or guests using instant messenger

Permission: Monitor multimedia files

Privilege Function Description: Monitor whether the screenshot file has changed.

Scenario or purpose: Users use the screenshot function to give feedback on system problems

b. IOS system application permission list

Permission Name: Network

Permission Function: To realize the network connection with the server

Scenario or Purpose: Necessary permissions for APP network connection to ensure that APP can connect to the server of Trip eBooking

Permission Name: Notification

Permission Function Description: Receive notifications

Scenario or purpose: Used to receive notifications from Trip eBooking

Permission: Location

Permission description: Locate your device via network or satellite

Scenario or purpose: Under instant messenger communication scenario, to share the hotel geographic location information

Permission Name: Calling

Permission Function Description: Make a phone call

Scenario or Purpose: Used to make a call directly from within the APP

Permission Name: Photo Album

Permission Function Description: Read and write the contents of the device’s photo album

Scenario or purpose: to use instant messaging software to contact Trip eBooking or guests

Permission Name: Camera

Permission Function Description: Take photos and record videos.

Scenario or Purpose: Used for video recording, photo taking, QR code scanning.

Permission name: Microphone

Permission Function Description: Record audio.

Scenario or purpose: Transferring voice to text in instant messaging tools

Permission Name: Advertisement Identifier

Permission Function Description: Get advertisement identifier

Scenario or Purpose: Get IDFA, IDFV for advertisement recommendation

Permission Name: Address Book

Permission Function Description: Get the access to cell phone address book

Scenario or purpose: Add business contact information to local address book

Permission Name: Calendar

Permission Function Description: Add calendar information

Scenario or purpose: add to-do items to the local calendar

Permission Name: Clipboard

Permission Function: Read special characters in the clipboard

Scenario or purpose: Read the contents of the clipboard when sending a message to Trip eBooking or guests using instant messenger

Permission Name: Siri

Permission Function Description: Apple's intelligent voice assistant

Scenario or Purpose: To take orders quickly through Siri

8. Legal and compliance

In certain cases, Trip eBooking needs to use the information provided (which may include personal data) to handle and resolve legal disputes or for regulatory investigations, risk management, and compliance. We may also use it to enforce our agreement(s) with you or solve a complaint or claim, as reasonably expected, and in accordance with internal policies and procedures.

In addition, we may need to share information about you (including personal data) where required by law or strictly necessary to respond to requests from competent authorities. This includes tax authorities, courts, other governmental, and public authorities or local municipalities.

If we use automated means to process personal data, which produces legal effects or significantly affects you or other natural persons, we will implement suitable measures to safeguard yours or the other person's rights and freedoms. This includes the right to obtain human intervention.

Withdraw Consent or Otherwise Objecting to Direct Marketing

Wherever we rely on your consent, you can withdraw that consent, however where you do we may not be able to perform the contract we have or are trying to enter into with you. To withdraw your consent, please contact us at

How Does Trip eBooking Share My Personal Data?

We may share your account information, bank account information, phone number, e-mail address, IP address, etc. within Group Limited and with third parties, such as the partners detailed below, to ensure the successful provision of services to you. Our partners include the following types:

  1. Vendors: including but not limited to service providers and agents as needed to provide you with Trip eBooking services. We may share your contact information and contact address information with vendors, who may contact you as needed to complete the service.

  2. Financial institutions and third-party payment institutions: When you purchase financial products and services, we will share certain account information with financial institutions or third-party payment institutions; and when we believe that it is necessary for fraud detection and prevention purposes, we will share other necessary information (such as IP addresses). When you use our financial services, we will share your identity information, contact information, bank account information and other information necessary to meet the risk control requirements with the partner financial institutions in accordance with the agreement or authorization that you have entered into, so that these institutions can provide you with the services you need. Before you use such services, we will separately explain the corresponding personal data sharing policy to you through page prompts, interactive processes, online display of the agreement, etc., and obtain your consent.

  3. Business Partners: We may work with partners to provide you with products or services, and will share relevant personal data with them for the purpose of express delivery, communication services, customer service, marketing, advertising, technical services, certification services, and consulting services. For example, in order to provide you with service information or commercial information, we will provide your cell phone number and the content of the information to the SMS service provider.

  4. Affiliated Companies within Group Limited: We may share your personal data with our Affiliated Companies so that we best provide you with the requested service as well as information about other travel-related products and services. All parts of our company provide similar protection measures for your personal data that are no less stringent than this Privacy Statement.

Our Affiliates Companies allow Trip eBooking users to use their Trip eBooking accounts to log in to such Affiliates Companies' platforms and use their services. Any behaviour of Trip eBooking users in the Affiliates Companies’ platforms shall be subject to the corresponding agreements, published rules, and instructions and operating guidelines for the proper use of the services. For the above functions, you have the right to choose whether or not to consent to the synchronization of your registration information, transaction/payment data, and other information and data from Trip eBooking to the Affiliated Company’s systems on the Affiliated Company’s platforms and to allow it to be used by the Affiliated Companies.

We may prudently share your personal data for complying with legal obligations, ensuring transaction security, controlling credit risk, protecting our or your interests in legal matters, and in the case of a merger or acquisition. We and our Affiliates Companies and business partners who provide services to you may also analyze your personal data and make business decisions based on the results of such analysis.

How does Trip eBooking Transfer My Personal Data Internationally?

The transmission of your personal data may include overseas transfer to countries whose data protection laws are not as comprehensive as those of the country or countries in which you initially provided your personal data. In such cases, we will protect your personal data as described in this Privacy Statement.

We will put appropriate safeguards in place to ensure that such transfers comply with applicable privacy laws. In particular, when personal data is transferred to third-party service providers, we establish and implement appropriate contractual, organizational, and technical measures with such providers.

Data Security

We have procedures in place to prevent unauthorized access to and misuse of personal data.

We use appropriate business systems and procedures to protect and safeguard information, including personal data. We also use security procedures and technical and physical restrictions for accessing and using the personal data on our servers. Only authorized personnel are permitted to access personal data in the course of their work.

Data Retention

All personal data we retain about you is subject to this Privacy Statement and our internal retention guidelines. We will retain personal data for as long as deemed necessary to manage the business relationship with you, to provide Trip eBooking services to you and to comply with applicable laws (including those regarding document retention), resolve disputes or claims with any parties, and as otherwise necessary to allow us to conduct our business.

Your Rights and Choices

Depending on where you are located or the entity in Group Limited processing your personal data, different rights may apply to the processing of that data, as set out in this Privacy Statement. These rights vary by country and region and may include the ability to:

Regardless of your location or the entity in Group Limited with which you are contracted, we rely on you to ensure that the personal data we hold is complete, accurate, and current. Please always inform us promptly of any changes to or inaccuracies in your personal data.

Modification of Privacy Statement

Trip eBooking will modify this Privacy Statement when necessary. Please understand that we may revise this Privacy Statement at times as we consider appropriate. We will note the date of the latest update of this Privacy Statement and the update will take effect when it is published. Without your explicit consent, Trip eBooking will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Statement. Trip eBooking will prominently post major changes made (for example, for changes concerning certain services, we will inform you via email of the specific changes in the Privacy Statement). Therefore, you should review this Privacy Statement periodically to keep up with our most current policies.

Cookie Statement

We use cookies to deliver our services and to help us improve our website.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that we store on your computer when you use our website. To learn more about cookies, please go to

What cookies does Trip eBooking use?

We use the following cookies:

  1. Essential cookies:

    a. These are cookies that our website cannot operate without (e.g. cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website).

  2. Non-essential cookies:

    a. Functionality cookies:These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you and remember your preferences (for e.g., your choice of language, region and currency).

    b. Analytical and performance cookies:These allow us to count the number of visitors to our website and to see how they move around it. This helps us improve the way our website works, for e.g., by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.

    c. Targeting cookies:These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the internal links you have followed. We will use this to make our website and the products we display to you more relevant to your interests.

We use session and persistent cookies. Session cookies are deleted when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain on your computer and are activated the next time you visit our website.